Global Politics in 30 Seconds Explained: In this article, we will discuss the title Global Politics in 30 Seconds Explained. Let’s begin:
Although international politics does not exist in all countries of the world, some countries work on international politics. States that influence international politics or conduct international politics have some important elements. Natural resources, geographical boundaries, military power, etc. act as important factors in international politics.
Controlling Elements of International Politics:
International politics is a complex form in the current world system. Which is controlled by some ground and some variable elements. Each of these is more or less important in controlling international politics. The regulatory elements of international politics are discussed below:
1. Geographical Location:
Geographical location is of immense importance in controlling international politics. Morgantheau rightly said, “Geography is the most permanent element on which the strength of a country depends”. In today’s world, the development of science and technology has created a mutual dependence between all nations through modern vehicles and communication systems.
In this situation, they have to come in close contact with each other in different ways. Therefore, to maintain good relations among themselves, they must have mutual knowledge of political, economic, humanitarian, and even natural geography. A country’s foreign policy is determined by its geographical location. Geographical location helps regulate international politics.
Judging by the geographical position of the United States, we see that its power is greatly enhanced by being surrounded by water several thousand miles on all sides from the rest of the world’s continents. Because other big powers cannot attack them very easily. Similarly, isolation from mainland Europe by the English Channel helped increase England’s national power.

From historical knowledge, we know that Julius Caesar, Napoleon, or Hitler could not cross the English Channel to invade England and did no harm. On the other hand, the geographical position of the Soviet Union was such that the country had to adopt a policy of expansion towards the south.
His attempt to dominate the Mediterranean and the Black Sea by crossing the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus is known as the ‘Worm-Water Outlet Policy’. Landlocked states are always at a disadvantage. Besides, the size, shape, climate, topography, etc. of a country help in controlling international politics. Naturally larger countries are more powerful.
2. Natural Resources:
Natural resources are another important factor in controlling international politics. The economic and overall development of a country largely depends on natural resources. In this regard, Professor Paddle Ford and Lincoln said, that a country’s power-ability is mainly controlled by its possession or lack of natural resources. Natural resources can be divided into two categories. Namely:
- Food:
- Raw materials and natural resources of the industry.
A. Food:
Generally, a country that is self-sufficient in food is in a much more advantageous position than a country that is food-deficient. Therefore, it can be seen that the United States and the Soviet Union have been able to increase their influence and prestige in the international arena for self-sufficiency in food.
Most countries in the world today are not self-sufficient in food, leaving them with many weaknesses in the international arena. For example, since Bangladesh has to depend on the outside world for food, it is often forced to accept policies in the international arena, which would never have been accepted if it had been self-sufficient in food.
B. Raw materials and natural resources of the industry:
To control international politics, just as self-sufficiency in food is necessary, the country’s natural resources and raw materials, which are used in industrial production; especially can help considerably in making war equipment. In today’s world, science and technology have progressed so much that the power of a country is largely dependent on industrial production for both peace and war.
From the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century, a nation’s peacetime prosperity and wartime power depended on the use of coal and iron. After World War I, the importance of mineral oil increased, and we see oil-rich countries begin to play a prominent role in international politics, and this trend continues today.
In addition, the economic and military value of the metal has increased as uranium is used in the manufacture of important weapons in the modern nuclear and space age. At the same time, the energy of those countries, where uranium is available, has increased.
3. Industrial Capabilities:
If a country is rich in natural resources but does not use them properly, then that country cannot be the controller of international politics. For example, the Republic of Congo.
Despite having valuable mineral resources like uranium, it has no importance in international politics as it cannot be exploited. In today’s world, most of the weapons of war are produced in factories.
So if a country wants to climb the ladder of power, it must improve in industry and technology. History also testifies that as long as Great Britain remained unchallenged as an industrialized nation, she was the most powerful in the entire world.
A comparative discussion between Germany and France shows that after 1870 when Germany began to develop rapidly in the industrial sector, it was established as a more powerful country than France.
4. Military Power:
A nation’s geographical location, natural resources, industrial capabilities, etc., are factors that can enhance its national power, namely its adequate military preparedness. The dependence on military power in the control of international politics is so obvious that it does not need a detailed explanation.
According to Morgenthau, military readiness requires a military organization capable of supporting foreign policy. Military strength depends on a country’s technology, leadership, and the number and skill of its armed forces. Billions of rupees are currently being spent worldwide on the development of military technology.

Among them, the two superpowers America and Russia played a leading role in the post-World War II period. This is because their armed forces are equipped with the latest weapons. So if the war starts at any moment to win; advanced modern weapons can achieve the objective only through intimidation without war.
5. Population:
In general, a populous country is a strong country. But if the population is not converted into human resources, it becomes a curse. Looking at the modern world, it is seen that a large population is a source of energy for developed countries only, but a large population is a hindrance to the growth of underdeveloped countries.
A comparison of the population of Australia and Canada with that of the United States clearly shows the relationship between population and power. Australia has a population of about 21 million with an area of about 7.7 million square km and Canada has a population of about 33 million with an area of about 1 million square km.

Between these two, the population of the United States is 308 million, consisting of an area of 9.8 million square kilometers. So it is certain that the United States could never have become a world superpower with a population like those two countries.
On the other hand, Australia and Canada, despite being rich in other resources, have not been able to emerge as major powers due to their small population. But in this case, the quality of the population is the most important thing.
6. National Character and Morale:
The strength of a country depends a lot on its character and morale. Despite overwhelming German forces during World War II, English national morale kept England largely intact. On the other hand, the French surrendered to Hitler’s forces earlier due to a lack of national morale.

The national character of the Germans has played a significant role in the fact that Germany emerged as a powerful nation again in a short period despite the miserable defeats in two consecutive world wars. A country cannot prosper if its people do not have a strong national character.
7. Government Efficiency:
The development of a country depends a lot on the activities of the government of that country. If the policy of the government is such, as a result of which the people of that country are deprived of various rights, then that country will not be able to dominate the international politics. Because people will not support their government in any time of danger.
8. Diplomatic Craft:
Diplomatic standards can make a dramatic difference in a country’s national power and place the country in a very high position in international politics by conducting a strong foreign policy. Therefore, diplomatic craft gives a state high status and high status in the arena of international politics.
Due to the lack of an effective foreign policy, the United States, despite being a potential superpower, did not play a significant role in the international arena between the two world wars.
Germany once became a superpower by defeating some of the major European powers through Bismarck’s diplomacy. From 1890 to 1914, Germany’s resurgence as a great power was due to its brilliant diplomacy.
Pakistan was also not considered a significant power in the subcontinent immediately after independence. But later Foreign Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s high-quality diplomacy helped Pakistan to be considered a power in the subcontinent.
9. Sports Policy:
Sports play a special role in improving diplomatic relations. For example, the Pakistan cricket team tour of India in 1998-99 or the Iran football team tour of the USA in 1999. When India-Pakistan relations were at a bitter stage, the Pakistan cricket team’s visit to India improved the relations between the two countries to some extent.
10. Culture:
Every society has a traditional culture. People living in a society are influenced by that tradition and culture. Poetry, literature, and art, etc. influence social life. A part of culture is philosophy, literature art, and folklore. These are different in every society. They affect people’s lives. For example, the control power of advanced countries including the United States and the United Kingdom in the current international politics is due to their advanced culture. In third-world countries, their culture is influenced by acquisition.
At the end of the above discussion, we can say that although the importance of all elements of international politics control is not the same, in international politics one element acts as a support to another and controls world politics.