In this article, we will give you a clear concept about the title of ‘advantages of studying international relations’. I hope after reading this article you will understand about advantages of studying international relations. Let’s start:
Looking at the present world map and analyzing the actual situation, one thing becomes clear every country is bound by interdependence within the international system. No country can solve the problems or meet growing needs in isolation. To meet their economic, cultural, and other needs, every state has to develop a system of mutual transactions through bilateral or multilateral agreements and understandings with other states.
Moreover, to analyze the possible response of a country, it is necessary to have a sound understanding of the domestic and foreign policies of that country. International relations studies have become the need of the hour today in the current environment to enhance communication among these inter-reaction groups and keep inter-state relations intact. So, the advantages of studying international relations are a crucial part for us.
Advantages of studying international relations:
Here we will discuss the benefits and advantages of studying international relations in the present world. Besides that, we will also discuss the components of international relations in detail.
1. Establishing World Peace:
Studying international relations is necessary for establishing world peace. The international institutions that have been built to establish world peace, need knowledge of international law for its success. Because, based on international politics, the initiative taken to establish world peace is a part of international relations.
2. Establishing world brotherhood:
To establish world brotherhood, it is necessary to study international relations. Because people can rise above their natural and personal interests to build a universally good world. International relations teach this.
3. Foreign policy making:
Success and failure of a country depends to a great extent on the proper foreign policy making. So for formulating and implementing a successful foreign policy knowledge of international relations is required.

4. Economic Cooperation:
Currently, the main problem of developing countries is economic problems. To solve this, they help and cooperate with different countries of the world based on various agreements. Again this agreement is executed based on international law. So for the economic development of a country, it is necessary to be aware of international relations.
5. To establish universal law:
The establishment of the present universal law requires the world community, which has not yet emerged. Because this requires the alignment of international allegiance with national ideals and aspirations, which has not yet been possible. However, if you want to establish universal law, international relations are necessary.
6. International Cooperation:
Currently, no state is self-sufficient. Because in some way every state is dependent on each other. In response to this dependence, each state develops cooperative relations among themselves. Certain rules should be followed to strengthen this cooperative relationship. International relations provides knowledge about these rules.
7. Helping to understand the role and importance of world public opinion:
International relations not only create awareness of destructive forces and possibilities but also inspire constructive activity and collective effort among people in different parts of the world. Since World War II, international relations have undergone qualitative changes.
Every nation in the world today is raising its voice against the production and competition of nuclear weapons. As a result of the collective response of the people of different countries to international events, it is not possible for any country to ignore that response. International relations course helps in understanding world opinion.
8. Dispute Settlement:
Due to conflict of interest, misunderstanding, lack of proper communication, etc. disputes arise between different states of the world. International law is directly required to settle these disputes. And this international law is part of international relations.
9. Acquiring knowledge about motion and nature:
Gaining knowledge about the dynamics and nature of world politics is constantly changing. After the end of the Cold War, the international character has also changed drastically. Therefore, through the study of international politics, one can gain knowledge about the dynamics and changes in world politics.
10. Trade policy:
By studying international relations, one can gain knowledge about import-export as well as trade policies and techniques of different countries of the world.
11. Creation of Values:
It is through values that a state comes forward in cooperation with other states and a sense of brotherhood develops among different states. It is based on this sense of brotherhood that people can rise above personal interests and build a welfare world with the cooperation of many people and many nations.
12. Policymaking:
Every country makes policy to protect its interests. Therefore, a country needs to know international relations to determine the policy to protect its interests. And this knowledge can be obtained only through studying international relations.
13. To raise awareness:
Not all people are aware of the various political changes and problems in the world. But one should be aware of these issues. By studying international relations, one learns about the various problems of the world, which makes people aware.
14. For the survival and development of the human race:
The present world is turning on a complicated path for the existence and development of mankind. People are now looking for a new world based on world organization, world power, and world humanity. They are looking for a better life for human existence and development, which requires various knowledge about maintaining world peace. These are known only in international relations.
15. To build a healthy and beautiful life:
It is necessary to show cooperation and tolerance with different people and organizations to make any work fair and beautiful. The International Relations course helps us to learn this. In the light of international relations lessons, we can judge whether the country’s social and political institutions are based on international relations or not.
16. Fulfilling one’s responsibilities and duties:
Human beings are social creatures. As a citizen living in society, the need to study international relations is immense to build a new world by fulfilling one’s responsibility and duty towards the various associations of the society and towards the various states and the world human society.
Reasons for the expansion of international relations:
The dynamics of international politics are changing in the current changing world order. As a result, the scope of international relations is also expanding. The reasons for the expansion of international relations are discussed below:
1. Changes in international relations:
Analysts and experts believe that the main reason for the expansion of international relations is the trend of changes in international relations. International politics is deeply connected with international relations. Along with the restructuring of international relations in the new world order, international politics is also changing, which has an impact on regional politics. As a result, international relations are expanding.
2. The concept of national power:
The concept of power in the modern international system is very different from the concept of power of the nineteenth century. The number of states in the international system increased during this century. A power that is exercisable about a State to achieve a similar purpose, may fail to achieve the same purpose in another. As a state’s commitment to, and participation in, the international arena increases.
3. Complex World System:
The present complex world system is considered as one of the reasons behind the expansion of the scope of international relations. As the current world situation is changing rapidly, various problems and complications are appearing in all areas.
As a result, the content or scope of international relations and the discussion methods and boundaries of the subject are expanding. Therefore, different authors continue to apply different methods from different disciplines and techniques of modern technology to international relations to gain an understanding of this vast range.
4. The Expansion of Nationalism:
Recent International Relations Discourses Nationalism occupies an important place. Nowadays, the state leaders of all countries consider national interest as the most important issue. Expressed nationalism after World War II brought about important changes in international relations. As a result, the scope of international relations has also expanded.
5. Increasing political awareness:
In the current era, new political events are constantly taking place in different countries of the world. A rational analysis of these events makes the people politically aware. The political awareness of the people makes them more efficient and active in the international arena. This awareness of the people is also playing a special role in expanding the scope of international relations.
6. Mass Publicity:
Publicity is of immense importance in international relations. Every government more or less campaigns to influence the thinking and activities of the countrymen, to increase the status and influence of their country in the world. Such campaigns belong to the subject of international relations. As such campaigns increase in a competitive world order, the scope of international relations also expands.

7. Increase in the number of international organizations:
Apart from the United Nations and the United Nations, various other regional and international organizations have been created in the field of international politics in the hope of peace. For example – Warsaw, NATO, Cento, SAFTA, NAFTA, etc.
These organizations influence international politics to a great extent. Moreover, new international organizations such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International have been developed in different parts of the world to deal with the needs of humanity, which are also expanding the scope of international relations.
8. Changes in Foreign Policy:
In the modern world, no state can survive alone. Hence the international background is changing rapidly. The proliferation of nuclear weapons has deepened interdependence in the economic, political, military, and cultural spheres. Each state strives to realize its national policies, goals, and interests. As a result, the scope of foreign policy has also expanded.
9. Joint Security System:
As recent international events have proved, without joint ventures, it is not possible to build a permanent system of energy and security. A power that is exercisable to achieve the same purpose about all states may fail to achieve any purpose in other cases. As a state’s commitment and participation in the international arena increases, so do its problems. As a result, the scope of international relations also expands.
Based on the above discussion, we can say that just as an objective review of actual events is necessary to establish international relations on a comprehensive basis, it is also necessary to undertake proper analysis, posture, and theoretical foundation. Advances in science and technology have created vast possibilities for other branches of sociology, which need to be applied to international relations as well.
For these reasons, it is necessary to study international relations. Expansion of International Relations In the current century, the scope of international relations has expanded much more than before. Thus, it appears that the scope of international relations extends from a state-national power within the state system to the implementation of foreign policy in the international arena and maintaining relations with international organizations, which are rooted in the needs of contemporary civilization. I hope you have clearly understood the ‘advantages of studying international relations’.