Most of the South Asian countries have energy shortages. South Asian Energy Crisis Tarkov is now a burning crisis not only in this region but the world. Is there a role for regional cooperation in solving this crisis?
South Asian energy crisis Tarkov has taken on a serious shape. Population, national income or expenditure, and poverty line are different in these countries. The characteristics of each country are different. But in terms of economic development, the main obstacle to the economic development of these South Asian states is the energy crisis. This crisis is becoming more pronounced day by day, the power and energy crisis has adversely affected the economic development and social investment environment.
About 7% of the world’s total population lives in South Asia, which is a huge market for energy and electricity. South Asia accounts for a quarter of the world’s total per capita energy consumption. But 1 out of 8 of the energy is produced here. Among these countries, Maldives is the only country that produces almost 100% of its energy. And the rest of the states cannot properly fill their fuel. For example, Bangladesh produces 20% of its energy needs.
However, the population is increasing, which will increase the energy demand. So day by day the supply of energy and electricity is not increasing compared to the demand but is running towards Energy Crisis Tarkov.

South Asian Energy Crisis Tarkov and Power Crisis:
A total of 8 countries in South Asia. Bangladesh Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan. All South Asian countries, except Maldives, have severe energy and power shortages. This is discussed below:
Source of Fuel:
The main sources of energy are natural gas, coal oil, etc. This source is discussed in detail.
Natural Gas:
Natural gas is most commonly used for combustion in South Asia. Bangladesh is one of the gas-producing countries in South Asia. Bangladesh extracts gas commercially. The amount of gas reserves is about 200 trillion cubic meters. Bangladesh is 46th in the world in terms of gas reserves. However, the government of Bangladesh does not give importance to this gas sector and uses it differently.
Despite having so much gas, the government does not give importance to gas extraction or its importance. No government in Bangladesh has worked on any long-term large-scale planning and
Infrastructure development for gas extraction.
Almost all governments are directly neglecting the national resources. We have plenty of gas but the major problem in our country is fuel and electricity. The main reason for this is that we have not been able to develop the gas sector.
As a result, even though we have gas, there is no efficient use of gas. Other South Asian countries do not have as much gas as Bangladesh. All these countries are facing an acute gas crisis. Still, they continued their efforts for gas. For example: Pakistan has recently spent $200 million to connect a gas pipeline with Iran under the name of “Peace Pipeline”. They started this work in 2012 despite opposition from Western countries.
As a result, the gas crisis is partially solved. Besides, India and Iran have signed an agreement to take gas through pipelines. In 2008 IPI Iran, India, and Pakistan signed a gas agreement but it could not be implemented due to pressure from the USA.
A major source of energy is coal, which has immense potential in Bangladesh despite the coal shortage in South Asia. But the Bangladesh government does not use coal or coal is not used. But there is a lot of coal potential in this small Bangladesh. It is the 41st country in the world in terms of coal resources.
The amount of coal reserves is about 323 million tons. There is a shortage of technicians in Bangladesh. There is a lack of knowledge among Bangladeshi technicians on how to mine coal. As a result, the country’s coal resources are not being used properly.

The government has not accepted any challenge in the utilization of coal resources. As a result, the import of oil for fuel will increase and the power crisis will worsen. Apart from Bangladesh, other countries in South Asia have similar deplorable conditions.
These countries have small amounts of coal resources but it is not exploited again, mainly due to a lack of technical and technological know-how in extraction. As a result, the energy and power crisis in South Asia is going from a serious to a more serious crisis. The only way to get rid of this is to utilize coal resources through the use of technology.
The extreme shortage of oil resources is observed across South Asian countries. However, oil resources are a very essential element in the production of energy or electricity. Most of the South Asian countries, including Bangladesh, do not have significant oil mining or oil extraction systems. Maldives is the only exception in this regard.
Maldives is capable of producing 100% of its oil. So almost all South Asian Countries except Maldives have to depend on developed or oil-rich countries for oil. These countries have to spend a lot of money on the purchase of oil, which eventually slows down the main development of these countries. Moreover, any kind of instability in the oil market adds a new dimension to the Energy Crisis tarkov of these countries.
Power situation:
The electricity problem has become a big problem in Bangladesh. But to solve this electricity crisis, it is possible to easily reach electricity to the common people of Bangladesh through Renewable energy. The question is whether we are using renewable energy. It is possible to radically change the lives of ordinary people through the use of renewable energy if we can invest enough in solar power.
But we are not using even a fraction of this potential. It is possible to meet the shortage of Electricity in rural areas through solar power. But there are questions about its progress in Bangladesh. According to the data cited in the sixth five-year plan, the potential of generating hydropower in Bangladesh is 1,987 MW.
The current generation is 230 MW. Power experts believe that Nepal has an opportunity to Generate 90,000 to 95,000 megawatts of electricity. Bhutan has the advantage of climate power generation. Another 30-40 thousand megawatts of electricity can be produced using this facility. But the main problem is goodwill.
The government buys tens of billions of dollars in oil or fuel costs from developed Countries. But does not spend a single rupee on the use of renewable energy in its own country. Electricity demand in India is huge. 90 thousand megawatts are being produced against their demand of at least 1 lakh megawatts per day. About 10 thousand megawatt electricity shortage.
Electricity demand in Bangladesh is 7000 MW but 5000 MW is being produced. Electricity shortage of 2 thousand megawatts per day. In the case of Nepal, electricity demand is around 1000-1500 MW but their national generation is only 600 MW which is half of the requirement.
Bhutan requires 4-5 thousand megawatts of electricity but is generating only 3 thousand megawatts. Sri Lanka’s power sector has a different picture in South Asia. Sri Lanka is the only country in South Asia that produces more electricity than it needs.
Sri Lanka’s electricity demand is about 2,000 megawatts per day, with a little over 2,000 megawatts generated. In the case of Pakistan, the shortfall in national power generation is about 5-6 thousand MW. As discussed above, all countries in South Asia have power shortages except Sri Lanka. [Source: USA National Renewable Energy Laboratory]
Energy and Power Sources of South Asia:
The energy and power source picture of South Asian states varies from country to country. E.g.: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have a lot of gas and coal. On the other hand, India, Bhutan, and Nepal have hydropower which has the potential for electricity generation. Although there is an acute shortage of water in South Asia.
India and Nepal have abundant water flows which will greatly facilitate power generation. Already, the hydropower produced in India and Nepal is expected to be able to meet the demand for the next 30 years. Besides, every country in South Asia has enough renewable energy. It is possible to solve energy and power crises through proper use.
Role of Regional Cooperation Organizations in Addressing South Asia’s Energy and Power Crisis:
The energy and power crisis can be resolved through the collective efforts of South Asian countries. The importance of regional cooperation organizations is immense in this regard. With the help of this organization, it is only a matter of time to become self-reliant by tackling the energy and power crisis beautifully and fairly. Regional Cooperation Organizations can play a role in solving the energy and power crisis in the following ways-
- Construction of Confidence Building Measure (CBM):
Strengthening an effective energy and power sector in South Asia can be done by extending the hand of regional cooperation. Economically and socially the culture of South Asia is almost the
Same. As a result energy and power sectors can be improved through cooperation. It can be said that Bangladesh has an electricity shortage, so Bangladesh can import electricity from Sri Lanka and Bhutan. And the village people of Bangladesh can also benefit from it.
Besides, farmers can prefer the electricity sector instead of diesel. This will reduce diesel import and reduce Bangladesh’s diesel import cost by USD 13 billion. If we spend it on electricity import, we will benefit more. Again, in the century Bangladesh has excess or excess electricity that can be exported. This energy crisis and power crisis can only be solved through regional cooperation.
- Mutual Cooperation:
The energy and power crisis can be solved by strengthening mutual relations between South Asian countries. Bilateral cooperation is especially important. For example, the Teesta Water Sharing Treaty was executed between Bangladesh and India in 1937. Here are some clear guidelines on water sharing between India and Bangladesh. Again, the power and energy crisis can be resolved by increasing bilateral relations by exporting 5255 MU from Nepal’s water power generation to India. Recently, Bangladesh imported 500 MU of electricity from India through bilateral joint investment resulting in the benefit of Bangladesh.
- Crisis resolution through third countries:
This crisis can be resolved through multilateral cooperation in South Asia. Both countries can accept the cooperation of any third country in import or export. For example, Bangladesh can agree with India to import electricity from Nepal and Bhutan which will be considered a trilateral or trilateral agreement.
On the other hand, an agreement has been signed between India and Myanmar for the supply of gas through pipelines. The gas pipeline of India and Myanmar will pass through the territory of Bangladesh. This agreement was made in 2005. This will reduce Myanmar’s gas crisis. Here, Bangladesh is playing the role of cooperation between India and Myanmar as the third country.
- Regional Energy and Power Pools:
There is no regional energy and power pool in South Asia. This power pool can be formed through regional cooperation. Different regions of the world supply their regional energy and electricity by
Forming Powerpools. Example: South African power pool, American and Canadian power pool. By the same power pool, they supply their regional energy.
- Implementation of SAARC policy:
South Asia’s energy and power crisis can be solved by implementing the SAARC declaration.
SAARC Announcements:
- Dhaka Declaration 2005:
Establishment of SAARC Energy Center for Energy Sources and Commercial Development in the SAARC region. - Islamabad Declaration: Ensuring Energy.
- Colombo Summit 2008: A regional or inter-governmental concept for cooperation in the energy and power sector was introduced.
- Thimphu Conference: A road map for the electricity market is developed.
- Kathmandu Conference 2014: “More Coordination for Development and Prosperity” was the slogan of the Kathmandu Conference. SAARC Agreement for Energy Cooperation was signed.
South Asian countries are relatively poorer than other Asian countries. Then these countries have endless natural resources. But their use is very less. Due to a lack of advanced technology, natural gas, and coal are used very little despite their availability. In this case, South Asian countries can solve their Energy Crisis Tarkov and power crisis through regional cooperation.