Difference between International Politics vs. International Relations

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International Politics and International Relations:

International politics and international relations are inextricably linked. Because the physical form of international politics depends on several aspects of international relations. Because of this close connection, some use international relations and international politics synonymously. Some would like to label the issues of international politics under the heading of international relations and argue that the term international relations is more broad and liberal.

Palmer and Perkins authors commented, that although the word international relations is mainly used to denote international politics, there is no question of voluntarily excluding non-political issues from the discussion. On the other hand, Joseph Frankel agreed with Jeremy Bentham and said that the term international relations, which was once used to describe international history and the foreign policy of different countries, is still used in a broad sense.

Frankel admits, however, that the term world politics, as applied by some authors, more accurately describes the discourse of international politics than the traditional term international relations. Palmer, Perkins, and Frankel said a lot about international relations but could not deny the rational relevance of international politics. Frankel’s so-called world politics is a translation of international politics.

It is more appropriate to call the subject matter international politics, which is the center of the subject and the institution called the state and politics are the core of the subject and the international behavior process is the boundary of the subject. International politics writers generally do not distinguish between international politics and international relations. One uses one or the other according to emotional inclination.

International politics
International politics

On the face of it, international politics and international relations seem almost the same, but in reality, there are some fundamental differences between the two. International politics in general deals with practical and political relations with other states in harmony with national interests. International politics deals with diplomacy and relations between different states.

International relations deal with various types of relations between different nations and groups in world society. This relationship can be both cooperative and confrontational. As Professors Palmer and Perkins state, ‘the concept of international relations is much broader than international politics’, and the concept of international relations is used to analyze international politics.

Schleicher said in his International Relations, International Relations is a social science, which discusses some aspect of human behavior in the international field. Because human behavior is multifaceted. It is not possible to discuss all aspects of international relations. In simple words, international relations are relations between different states. In the modern world, power or power is concentrated in a particular place and competition is going on. Relations developed through competition are the subject of international relations.

The terms international politics and international relations are not synonymous. Professor Palmer and Professor Perkins draw a practical distinction between international politics and international relations. Because international politics deals with the norms of international society. International politics revolves around diplomacy, the relationship between different states and political organizations.

International relations deals with the various types of relationships between nations and groups in world society and the forces, pressures, and processes that govern people’s lives, actions, and thoughts.

According to this concept, international politics is a part of international relations. But within the boundaries of international relations, he established international politics in a special status seat. Many authors consider international politics to be a subject of cultural, social, and psychological forces that comprise the global environment.

Co. J. K.J. Holsoti limits the discussion of international politics to foreign policy-related issues. He considered world politics and international politics as synonymous and limited the discussion to foreign policy-related issues. In which the discussion focuses on the interests and activities of the great powers, the elements of power, etc. He also said that commentators discuss international politics based on the external environment and situation of the state.

They mainly confine themselves to foreign policy discussions. International relations, on the other hand, deals with various interactions between members of different societies, including foreign policies of different nation-states, international labor unions, international Red Cross, international trade, transportation, communication, health systems, etc. It has nothing to do with international politics.

Joseph Frankel’s opinion, compared to international relations, favors accepting world politics and international politics as the agenda of international society. He notes that the present century has seen the emergence of a specialist field of increasing interest in the relations of states.

International politics
International politics

This subject not only deals with foreign affairs and the international history of various states; Including the whole of international society, institutions, and processes as its subject matter, international relations is increasingly analyzing states and their interactions and the complex cycle of politics that transcends state boundaries. Frankel said that compared to international relations, world politics (World Politics) and international politics are more reliable and adept at presenting the agenda of society.

Herbert J. According to Herbert J. Spiro, he adopted the concept of international politics or world politics instead of international relations. According to him, writers and experts who accept the concept of world politics instead of international relations, mainly want to draw attention to the development of world human society. In the 20th century, technological advances, transportation and communication, and the threat of nuclear weapons made possible the creation of such a global human society.

C.F. According to Elzer, international politics is concerned with the relations of various governments but international relations are mainly concerned with international economics, international law, international communication organizations, world wars, etc. While defining the difference between international politics and international relations, he said that international politics operates on a smaller scale than international relations.

In Burton’s view, the function of international relations as a science is to explain and predict but cannot provide any indication of problem-solving. International relations are limited to observing, analyzing, and theorizing to achieve objectives. However international politics can move from observation and analysis to policy-making and problem-solving.

International relations are relations between different states. Power and power in the modern world are not concentrated in any particular place. Power is divided between groups made up of different states.

International politics
International politics

Therefore competition is created between all these states or groups. When this competition is conducted to gain power or create spheres of influence, it takes shape in international politics. International politics is determined by the power, influence, and policies pursued by states.

Hans J. According to Morgenthau, he used the term international politics instead of international relations. He did not distinguish between international relations and international politics. He treated international politics as a separate subject.

The following differences are observed between international relations and international politics:

  1. International relations are largely apolitical. It deals with international society, institutions, and processes. But international politics is purely political. It mainly deals with foreign-related aspects of various states.
  2. The main goal of international relations is not the acquisition of power. Establishing harmony and friendship with different states is the function of international relations. However, the main goal of international politics is to gain power and establish political relations with different states.
  3. The field of discussion of international relations is very wide. It is a separate matter. Its scope is very wide. International relations deals with the relations between all peoples, and groups in the world. But international politics is part of
    international relations. Comparatively, its scope and area of ​​discussion are also very low.
  4. There are many ways to establish international relations. Its purpose is to bind the world to peace and harmony by identifying and solving world problems. On the other hand, the medium of international politics is relatively less. Its purpose is to gain political prestige and to be bound by the bond of harmony.
  5. International relations always formulate policies with human welfare in mind. It discusses various issues and on the other hand, international politics formulates policies for domestic welfare. It deals with relatively few topics.
  6. International relations always seek an atmosphere of peace avoiding the path of anxiety, turmoil, and tension. In many cases, it takes positive action. However international politics sometimes abandon ideals or principles for domestic interests. In many cases, it takes negative action.
  7. International relations is a social science. Various methods are adopted in the study of international relations. International relations are particularly dependent on history and political science. But international politics is a combination of different sciences. International politics is not directly dependent on any subject in study or practice.
  8. International relations directly determine policy. But international politics indirectly determines policy.

After Analyzing all opinions, we can say that the concept of international relations is very broad in world politics as compared to international politics. International politics is a subject of international relations. Discusses specific aspects and problems of international politics and international society. Through this, a partial identity of the international system is obtained.

Judging from this point of view, the area of ​​international relations is wider than international politics. International relations deals theoretically and practically with international, political, economic, and military systems organization, communication systems, law, and international relations. International politics on the other hand deals with the foreign policy of all countries in their interactions, and their reactions to the international system as a whole.

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