Foreign Policy Definition: Key Traits & Determinants in 2024

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Foreign Policy Definition


In this article, we will discuss the Foreign Policy Definition. Also, discuss the Rulers of Foreign Policy and the Characteristics of good foreign policy. Let’s begin:

Foreign policy is the action taken by a state to maintain relations with other states outside its borders to protect its national interests. The foreign policy of every country in the post-Cold War world has changed. Because of the polarization of world politics and due to power, the foreign policy of every country has to be adjusted now.

However, foreign policy generally aims to preserve the interests of one’s own country and to keep one’s interests intact by maintaining good relations with other countries. So each country arranges its foreign policy. It should be remembered that no state can single-handedly fulfill its goals and objectives. No state can ensure its progress by keeping distance from other states. So it is natural that every state has to be bound by various relations with other states for its existence and progress.

Foreign Policy Definition:

Broadly speaking, foreign policy is the part of a country’s national policy that deals with the outside world. Foreign policy is the planning, objectives, and decision-making of a state in its foreign relations. Every country decides its foreign policy while maintaining its sovereignty, democracy, independence, and individuality. As an independent and sovereign country, Bangladesh also has its foreign policy which has changed, expanded, and adapted to the changing global context.

German statesman Otto Bismarck said about foreign policy definition, “Foreign policy is the extension of a country’s domestic policy.”

Lark and Syed said about foreign policy definition, “The foreign policy of a state usually refers to the general principles by which a state governs its reaction to the international environment.”

Foreign Policy Definition
Foreign Policy Definition

Hartmann (Hartmann) states foreign policy definition like that, “A foreign policy is a systematic statement of deliberately selected national interest.” Here he means that foreign policy is a coherent statement about its national interests chosen or designated by a state. Several important factors are involved in the process of determining an ideal foreign policy. After a careful analysis of all the interests that are not compatible with the national interest, they are discarded.

Prof. According to Padelford and Lincoln, “Foreign policy is that part of the national policy of a country by which relations with other countries are established and these relations are based on the concept of national interest.”

Joseph Frankle said, “Foreign policy is the result of decisions and actions that shape the relationship of one state with another.”

So it can be said that Foreign Policy Definition is an important part of Foreign Policy and foreign policy is an important part of the national policy by which the interests of the country are preserved, expanded, and coordinated by establishing relations with other states.

Which of the following groups work together to create foreign policy?

Here we will discuss on which of the following groups work together to create foreign policy? A country’s foreign policy depends on its size, population, geo-political location, natural resources, nuclear resources, preservation of national interests, and economic policies. The following are the determinants of foreign policy:

1.Volume of National Area:

The size or total land mass of a country is an important determinant of its foreign policy. For example, the foreign policy of Russia and the foreign policy of the Vatican City do not flow in the same direction. Because Russia’s vast territory taught him to follow a different path. So volume is an important factor in foreign policy formulation.

2. Population:

Population is the wealth of a country. So the country’s foreign policy strategy is as large as its population. Eg: China has a different foreign policy because of its larger population. Also, India has a large population and they are also at an important place in the world economy. As a result, as other countries are paying more attention to them, they are active in how their interests in foreign policy are bigger and bigger. So it can be said that one of the regulators of foreign policy is population.

Foreign Policy Definition
Foreign Policy Definition

3. Economic Power:

Economics plays a major role in a country’s foreign policy. The economic strength of a country depends on the economic development of that country. Economically. A powerful country formulates its foreign policy in such a way that its markets are expanded and the supply of raw materials necessary for production is not hindered. Moreover, the economically dominant country always tries to extract the maximum profit by spending less capital which expands its economy more widely.

Economic Power
Economic Power

Also, the developing or economically less developed countries should not create any obstacles to bringing their goods and they take appropriate steps to ensure that the interests of the developing countries are protected by the big power countries. In addition, developing countries prioritize the interests of aid donors in foreign policy. Moreover, nowadays all countries consider the economy as the main subject of a country’s prestige. So economic power plays a massive role in foreign policy.

4. Military Power:

A country’s national power or internal power is manifested through military power. In today’s world, the most powerful country is the one with the most powerful military. Military means forces consisting of land, naval, and air forces. A strong military is a key influencer of foreign policy. To form a strong military force in a country, these three things must be of sufficient quality, technology, and well-equipped.

Foreign Policy Definition
Foreign Policy Definition

Moreover, military strength depends on the quality, excellence, and training of the troops. Military power has a great influence on the foreign policy of a country. On the one hand, foreign policy should be arranged to increase the caliber of the military force, and the influence on other countries should be extended by the military force. Eg: The relationship between Pakistan and China is to protect Pakistan’s interests. In the same way, one country adopts a foreign policy to accept another country’s ring. Eg: Egypt and South Korea are friends with America.

5. International Cooperation:

International cooperation is also one of the drivers of foreign policy. Developing countries organize their foreign policies to gain cooperation from developed countries. For example: Bangladesh maintains good relations with both capitalist and socialist countries in its foreign policy.

6. Ideological environment:

A certain ideological context is formed based on a state’s history, ethnic character, traditions, and eternal ideologies. This ideological context plays one of the determinants in determining a country’s foreign policy. Evidence of how important ideological differences can be in foreign policy is that ideological differences in the background of the long conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States can raise questions about how committed a state is to values ​​and ideals.

Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy

If we analyze the foreign policy statements of different countries in recent world politics, we see that if one country talks about protecting democracy, the other country talks about resisting imperialism. If a country talks about the struggle against terrorism, the other country talks about the struggle against the monopoly of a particular country.

Characteristics of good foreign policy:

The foreign policy of each country is different, but the foreign policy approach of all countries is the same. And that is to keep the interests of our country intact. Every independent, sovereign country has to formulate its foreign policy based on its thinking. Still, for the good of the world, it is desirable to formulate a good foreign policy to promote mutual amity and harmony. However, care must be taken to ensure that the foreign policy of a country does not harm the interests of another country. The following are the characteristics of good foreign policy:

1. The hallmark of good foreign policy is maintaining independence, sovereignty, and geographical integrity, and resolving bilateral issues. Moreover, if the neighboring country is facing any obstacles, it should be resolved. Eg: India should urgently resolve the issue we are currently facing with Teesta.

Foreign Policy

2.In the era of free market economy and globalization, bad relations with anyone or neglect of anyone cannot survive. So a good foreign policy should follow the principle of friendship with all and enmity with none.

3. Another important aspect of foreign policy is to increase international cooperation because it is not possible to develop ourselves without mutual help and cooperation. Therefore, one of the hallmarks of good foreign policy is to promote international cooperation by eliminating differences with all.

Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Definition

4. Foreign policy should be designed in such a way that mutual peace and security are not disturbed. Because it must be remembered that if the neighboring country is unstable, then that country will also be unstable. Therefore, for the sake of our peace and security, we must ensure the peace of our neighbors. Because if Bangladesh becomes unstable for any reason then it will affect Myanmar as well.

5. Another important rule of foreign policy is to ensure that no kind of militancy, or terrorism can rise to the fore. Because militancy is enough to disrupt the security of a country. So be careful about this.

6. Every country needs to analyze the information and data collected to formulate foreign policy. All states have separate organizational structures or systems for this work. The character and nature of international relations have become much more complex and profound than before. As a result, the task of data analysis has also become important. Besides, the role of mass media in foreign policy in today’s world has changed a lot.

Foreign Policy Definition
Foreign Policy Definition

Just as the mass media can be on the one hand based on the printing press, on the other hand, it can be based on the electronic system. Due to the use of mass media, nowadays any event that takes place in any part of the world reaches all over the world very quickly. Therefore, it is very necessary to pay special attention to the above issues in formulating a good foreign policy.


Foreign policymaking has been identified as a major problem in today’s multi-polar world. For example: It is not possible to formulate foreign policy by bypassing America, the European Union, and Japan. Moreover, these countries are considered as key to the economy. Therefore, developing countries have to formulate foreign policy as they are asked to formulate foreign policy. No one underestimates the power of the United States even in a multi-polar world. Therefore, every country prioritizes the interests of the United States in formulating its foreign policy. So even if a good foreign policy is desired, it is not possible to formulate it.

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