10 Proven Strategies to Fight Climate Change and Protect the Earth

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climate change


Environment and climate change have emerged as a new instrument of global concern today. However, this change did not occur overnight or suddenly; rather, it has evolved into its present form over many days. With the evolution of time, it has emerged as the most serious threat to the world civilization today. It is gradually becoming more intense due to Man-made adverse activities. In such a situation, preserving the existence of human civilization has emerged as the biggest challenge to the people of the world today. Although various steps have been taken at the national and international levels to face this challenge, there are still doubts about how much they can play an effective role.

Climate Change:

A short few days’ average or 1 to 7 days’ average result of atmospheric elements of a particular place is called weather. The general condition of the physical elements of the atmosphere seen by reviewing the long-term daily weather of a place or region is called the climate of that place or region. According to scientists, climate change has been happening for a long time.

Sun is at the root of all the energies of the earth. The light and The heat of the sun help sustain life on Earth. Every day when sunlight reaches the earth, the surface absorbs it. Absorbed solar radiation is re-radiated or reflected into space. This is the law of nature. Climate change occurs only when there is any obstacle or hindrance in this absorption radiation process of natural law.

Actions already taken to combat climate change:

The world first recognized the serious consequences of the adverse effects of the environment and climate on the earth in 1997 through the conference held in Kyoto, Japan, under the initiative of the United Nations. However, the member states have not taken any strong measures to remedy this. The conference ended with the announcement of a valueless program for 15 years till 2012.

climate change
climate change

The United Nations released a research report in 2007 highlighting the dangers of global warming and climate change. Everyone was shocked by this, but the progress stopped due to the global recession. The developed world is preoccupied with managing its economies. Environmental thinking goes completely formal. But since 1997 climate conferences have been held in different cities of the world almost every year.

Notable conferences held to date are the Argentina Conference in 1998, Forest Conference-2001, Bali Conference-2007, Copenhagen Conference-2009, Cancun Conference-2010, the Durban Conference in 2011, the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, the Doha Conference in 2012, and the latest held in Lima Conference-2014, etc. is one of them.

At these conferences, world leaders make verbal commitments to reduce carbon emissions, create climate trust, combat the effects of global warming, and adapt to climate change, most of which remain unfulfilled. Green energy, green technology, and green economy are all talked about, but still, 41 percent of the world’s total electricity generation is coming from coal.

Another 26 percent of electricity is coming from oil and gas. There is no initiative to make green technology available. The idea of ​​the green economy is being used only to prevent the products of less developed and developing countries from participating in global trade competition. Although the developed world has started some efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

However, emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil are increasing carbon emissions every year to meet growing energy demand. They argue that the industrialized world has increased global warming over two centuries in exchange for becoming richer countries. And the poor and the developing world are paying the price. So the developed world has to pay the compensation.

climate change
climate change

The developing world says it is increasing industrial production to lift billions of people out of poverty. Yet they have made verbal commitments to reduce carbon emissions from 2025 onwards. The least developed world is the worst off. As industry is low, they do not have much demand for electricity, and fossil fuel reserves are not high. They emit only 0.3 percent of the world’s total carbon emissions. However, they have to bear the brunt of the negative effects of climate change.

Adaptation to Climate Change:

Adaptation is the process of adapting to changing conditions. The strategy adopted to overcome the negative impact on human life and livelihood due to climate change is called climate risk adaptation. Adaptation and adaptation at all levels have a role and responsibility for all to face the risks of climate change to ensure our national development and our future. Different types of adaptation are observed. These are:

  1. Structural Adaptation: In this process, currently existing technologies can be adapted through some development and expansion. For example: building high houses for floods, and building houses with strong structures.
  2. Non-structural Adaptation: In many cases, it is possible to adapt or adapt through changes in life practices and habits. For example, adaptation can be achieved by moving from a vulnerable location or changing occupation.
  3. Anticipatory Adaptation: When measures are taken before the adverse effects of climate change are observed, it is called anticipatory adaptation. For example, the system of collecting and storing dry food before the flood.
  4. Reactive Adaptation: The adaptation process that is adopted after the harmful effects of climate change are observed is called reactive adaptation. For example: Originating, developing, and cultivating salinity-tolerant rice varieties in brackish areas.

Assessment of the adaptation role of measures taken to combat climate change:

Various steps have been taken for adaptation in various climate conferences to deal with climate change. The Stockholm Conference, Dharitri Conference, Kyoto Protocol, Bali Conference, Cancun Conference, Rio+20, Doha Conference, and the latest Lima Conference have also taken many steps to adapt to climate change. Among these measures, measures like green economy and green revolution, green climate fund, and sustainable development have been adopted.

Through these measures, the highest carbon emitting countries (China, USA, India, Australia, etc.) have been added to the obligation to reduce the amount of carbon emissions. The UNFCCC has formed the ‘Green Climate Fund’ by collecting contributions from developed countries.

Water crisis between Bangladesh- India
Water crisis 

From this fund, developing countries receive aid as compensation for the environment sector every year. By 2020, this fund will finance $100 billion annually. Actions taken to adapt to climate change have not fully met expectations. All the tools and methods used in adaptation are not fully effective. Weaknesses of adaptation methods are:

  1. Guidelines for adaptation have not been formulated for the national level.
  2. Participation of developing countries in policy formulation is low.
  3. No emphasis is placed on ‘Cost Benefit Analysis’.
  4. Policy implementation strategies are not properly coordinated with the state apparatus of developing countries.
  5. These strategies and methods are not donor-centric, partner partner-centric.
  6. Policies are developed depending on political power.
  7. Developed countries show reluctance to implement the policy.
  8. Actions taken in adaptation are not properly monitored and evaluated.

    climate change
    climate change

So it can be said that adaptation measures are not playing a proper role in combating climate change. For proper implementation of adaptation, equal participation of all countries must be ensured from policy formulation to policy implementation. Developed countries should be flexible and build a beautiful world by ensuring sustainable development. In that case, Each country should formulate and implement adaptation policies at the national level.

Actions to combat climate change:

Climate change is the biggest problem in the world today. As a result of climate change, there are many problems including drought, cyclones, floods, greenhouse effect. The world is constantly getting denser. In such a situation the following steps can be taken to control the climate.

  • Mechanical vehicles are being used to maintain the pace of human life, which is polluting the environment by burning petroleum products. The goods which are needed for human consumption are manufactured in the factories. Industrial smoke and waste are one of the enemies of the environment. So more trees should be planted and black smoke emissions from vehicles should be reduced. As a result, the adaptation process will be completed.
  • Ozone layer-destroying chemical emissions from vehicles and industries are eroding the ozone layer. As a result, harmful rays from the sun are reaching the earth. Hence CFC emissions must be reduced.
  • The ever-increasing population is leading to deforestation for housing and cultivation. As a result, the climate is seriously threatened. In such a situation, controlling the population can play a role in combating climate change.
  • Burning of coal emits sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ash, dust, etc. So coal burning should be stopped and alternative sources should be found. e.g.: Solar oven should be used.
  • Increased use of pesticides in agriculture is causing great damage to the climate. In this situation, the environment is becoming toxic. Therefore, the use of pesticides in agriculture should be reduced. As a result, the environment will be clean and it will be possible to play a large role in adaptation.


Climate has the greatest impact on all types of work including agriculture. Different regions of the world grow different plants due to variations in rainfall and elements. A national crop will be produced in any region is determined by the climate of that place. Climate change may also occur in Bangladesh as a part of global climate change. As a result of climate change, the sea level will rise by 2 to 3 meters by 2050, in which case all the Coastal plains and delta areas of the world will be submerged and production will decrease. As a result, a terrible situation will be created worldwide. Therefore, a proper role should be played in climate change.

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