American Revolution in 1776: Best analysis in 2024

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American Revolution

American Revolution in 1776 is the most significant event in the history of the world. In this article, we will discuss the American Revolution in detail such as the American Revolution’s causes, events, and aftermath. Let’s discuss.

The American War of Independence was one of the most important events in the eventful reign of King George III of England. Today’s United States was originally 13 British colonies at the time. British King George III, Prime Minister Grenville, and Lord North’s political short-sightedness and introduction of anti-popular customs led to gradual resentment against England in these colonies, and this accumulated resentment was manifested in 1776 AD.

The American War of Independence took place. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783. England was defeated in this war and America gained independence under the leadership of George Washington.

The English established the first successful permanent colony in Jamestown, Virginia on the Atlantic coast in 1607. The colony was founded by Captain John Smith of the Virginia Company with a charter from King James V of England. Under Smith’s leadership, tobacco cultivation began as a new economic venture in the region, which became world-famous, such as Virginia tobacco.

Among the British colonies, Virginia was the first (in 1619) to employ Negroes as laborers. The second English colony was established in 1620 at “Plymouth” in present-day Massachusetts.

The founder of this colony was a priest called Pilgrim Fathers. Thus several colonies were formed in the nearby area. The famous city of Boston was founded in 1630. Gradually, the population in this region started to increase and trade also expanded.

This area is especially famous for shipbuilding and wine production. At some point, this region became known as New England. A Dutch colony called New Netherland was established in the south of New England in 1626. In 1664, the English captured it and renamed it New York. Within a short time ‘New York’ became well-established as a port.

Several other colonies were established along the Atlantic coast south of Pennsylvania. Notable among these are Maryland, Virginia, Carolinas, Georgia, etc.

Maryland was the first privately owned colony. George Calvat, a Catholic member of the Lords, founded it. Thus, a total of 13 colonies of England were established in America by 1750. But among these colonies, Georgia was the youngest colony. It was founded in 1732 by a philanthropic society called the Trustees of Georgia.

Background of the American Revolution in 1776

The American War of Independence was a stirring event of the eighteenth century. In 1776, the 13 American colonies declared independence against England, but the context of this declaration of independence was long.

The background to this war was the political and economic as well as commercial disputes between England and the 13 colonies of America under English rule and the growing ideological differences between the two. According to John Adams, the second president of the United States, the spirit and seed of freedom was in the heart of every American.

In the middle of the 18th century, especially between 1740-1750 AD, the differences between British and American thoughts and ideas were observed in various papers and writings. These newspapers and magazines criticized the faults and errors of the medieval Feudal system, the corruption of the religious institutions, and the Church, and the attitude of controlling their future economic prospects and their destiny as soon as possible began to be gradually published.

However, despite this change in the attitude of a section of the people of the colonies, especially among the merchant and capitalist class, the majority of the common people were in favor of retaining the legacy of the British tradition and taking advantage of the economic development that this legacy provided.

For this reason, even though a new anti-British attitude was created in the minds of the colonists, they were not in favor of severing political relations with Britain completely. They demanded that the British government should not only focus on the benefits of the residents of England but also take an equal view of the benefits of the colonies under it.

But the then British government either did not understand the changing attitude of the people of the colonies or did not give importance to their demands which strengthened the anti-British sentiment. Dissatisfaction continued to grow in both northern and southern parts of America.

Large Southern ranchers seized the fertile lands of the Appalachian region, eager to quickly turn their fortunes around and free themselves from the debt burden of English traders. On the other hand, the northern colonies depended on trade and industry. They wanted to change their fortunes by quickly building various factories along with business.

However, the British government continued to impose various industrial and trade restrictions on the colonies one after the other to protect their economic interests. However, it was not until the mid-eighteenth century that the economic conflict between American merchants and industrialists and British authorities became acute.

This is because many of the trade restrictions were not properly enforced until then. On this occasion, many traders in the colony could ignore these restrictions on various pretexts. However, from the 1760s, relations between the two sides began to deteriorate rapidly as the British government began to impose strict trade restrictions on the colonies, which precipitated the American War of Independence.

The rift between England and America began in 1763 after the end of the Seven Years’ War. Because at that time, when the economy of England was weakened due to the war, it started collecting money. New taxes were levied, trade restrictions were strictly enforced, and the colonies’ industrialists and plantation owners came into their own.

In this situation, the rulers became more and more eager to secure their economic exploitation by depriving the natives through their local British officials and the Parliament of England. As a result, the demand for establishing democracy in the colonies became increasingly strong.

At that time, many people started to consider themselves equal to the English people in terms of talent and ability and started talking about forming a self-governing government. They also demanded action against the government loyalists who were unfairly benefited.

As the British authorities continued their exploitation without giving heed to the demands and attitudes of the colonists, they also showed generosity in providing opportunities to their loyalists. In the British Parliament, one after another, various laws were passed against the interests of the colonies.

 In this situation, for their interests, mainly the businessmen and capitalist class of the colonies, on the one hand, started to oppose these laws of the British Parliament, on the other hand, the loyal classes of the British became vocal against the benefits.

Their movement gradually turned into a movement for self-government and finally, it transformed into a movement for independence against Britain. Finally in 1776 AD. America declares independence.

Cause of the American Revolution in 1776

It would not be logical to look at the causes of the American Revolution in 1776 from a specific point of view. Because American Revolution involves a multifaceted perspective including geographical, political, administrative, commercial, and economic interests. Therefore, the causes of the American Revolution can be divided into 3 main categories: political and administrative, geographical, and commercial and economic.

Political and Administrative Factors of American Revolution:

One of the main causes of the American War of Independence was administrative weakness and political short-sightedness:

1) Conflict between Rajput and local councils:

Each of England’s 13 colonies in America had a governor appointed by the King or Queen of England. He administered the administration with the help of an elected local council. However as the governor was a resident of England, he was more focused on implementing various policies for the protection of the interests of Britain and managing the administration according to the orders of the British government than protecting the interests of the colonies.

Which was against the wishes of the colonists? Therefore, the governor often had conflicts with the local council. Because the local council often did not agree to obey the orders of the British government.

2) Colonies not having representation in British Parliament:

At that time there were no representatives from the colonies in the Parliament of England. Hence the long-standing demand of the colonies was to have representatives from the colonies in the British Parliament to speak for the colonies. However as the British Parliament did not heed the demands of the colonists, the relationship between England and the American colonies deteriorated.

3) Development of a sense of nationhood among colonized people:

One of the causes of the American War of Independence was the rise of nationalism among the colonists. Most of the inhabitants of the colony were of English descent. They became residents of the colony through trade, recruitment in administrative positions, and settlement. Because of this, they were as energetic, conscious of their rights, and motivated by the nationalistic spirit of the English.

Even the Dutch, Germans, Irish, and Swedes who settled in America gradually adopted the English
language and customs to form a mixed civilization and culture—in which the principles of individual liberty, representative government, and religious liberality prevailed from the first.

But when the British rulers began to treat the colonists as their subordinates, the American people who believed in individual freedom became angry against the English rulers.

American Revolution
American Revolution

4) Short-sighted governance system of the British government:

The short-sightedness and wrong policies of the British government are especially responsible for the war of independence of America. In particular, the misguided views of King George III and Prime Minister George Grenville are blamed in this regard.

Arbitrary of George III:

Until the accession of King George III, for a long time, the majority party in the House of Commons had the opportunity to govern mainly. But after George III acceded to the throne in 1760, he gradually ousted the majority Whigs from the cabinet and helped the loyalist Tories form the cabinet, and for the next twelve years controlled Britain’s domestic and foreign policy as well as the governance of the colonies.

Be able to increase influence. This led to a strong hatred of the monarchy and Britain among the natives of the colonies, which precipitated the American War of Independence.

On the other hand, at the end of the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763 AD) between France and England, the British government empowered English officials to search the trading houses and warehouses of the colonies, alleging that the traders of the colonies were secretly trading with the enemy. This policy of the British government caused great discontent throughout America.

Grenville’s fallacy:

The fallacy of Prime Minister George Grenville was particularly responsible for the American War of Independence. Appointed Prime Minister of England in 1763, Grenville took several measures regarding the governance of the colonies which angered the colonists. The steps taken are as follows:

i) Constitution of Admiralty Court:

The people of the colony, accused of smuggling, put a stop to the smuggling trade and assigned the navy to Boston to guard the coast. Besides, he established an admiral court to try the smugglers and imposed severe punishment on the smugglers. Grenville’s action caused a great reaction in the colonies.

ii) Declaring land reserves for Red Indians:

In 1763, Prime Minister Grenville issued an order declaring some land reserves for Red Indians to avoid conflict between the local Red Indians and the native Red Indians after the French were driven out of the western region by the Seven Years War and the Appalachians. Banned whites from entering the territory west of the watershed. The businessmen of the western region were greatly angered by this.

iii) Sugar Act (Sugar Act, 1764):

Jaggery or sugar was in great demand in the colonies. To meet this demand, colonial merchants imported cheap and profitable sugar or molasses from the French and Spanish West Indies. But for American traders to buy this molasses or sugar only from British traders, the British Minister Walpole introduced the Molasses Act (Molasses Act, 1733) in 1733 and levied a duty on molasses imported from the West Indies.

But Prime Minister Grenville lowered the tax on molasses from 6 cents to 3 cents per gallon to increase tax revenue and took steps to enforce the law. In addition, he passed a law called the Sugar Act in April 1764 AD, he banned the importation of molasses and sugar to America from the territories occupied by France and Spain except England.

But importing molasses, sugar, etc. from these places was very profitable and affordable. Grenville estimated that the industry would generate £45,000 in revenue, but the inability to import cheap molasses from the West Indies and French territories damaged New England distilleries in America and fueled anti-British sentiment among the colony’s population, including traders.

iv) Currency Act, 1764:

Prime Minister Grenville introduced the Currency Act in 1764 to prohibit the use of paper notes in the colonies. As a result of this, there was stagnation in trade and there was intense resentment among the colonists.

v) Quartering Act in 1765:

The British army was stationed there for the security of the colonies. Prime Minister Grenville passed the Quartering Act in 1765 to meet the expenses of the deployed army. This Act states that the expenses of the army stationed in the colonies shall be borne by the colonists.

The colonists protested against this law. This was the first major protest of the colonists against British imperialism. At that time, some people, including James Otis, argued on behalf of the people that it was against the Constitution to collect money from the people without their property. The people responded to Otis’s speech in a great way.

He also introduced the Sugar Act, which is recognized as the main cause of the American War of Independence. This issue has been discussed in detail under Economic Reasons. Hence, it can be seen that the ineffectual governance of the British government, including King George III and Prime Minister Grenville, made the American War of Independence inevitable.

5) Conflict of jurisdiction over new territories in the West:

After the seven-year war between France and England (1756-1763), the British Parliament decided to turn the large territory of the Appalachian region east of the Mississippi River captured from France into special land and direct rule from England there.

However English merchant groups continued to pressure the government to dominate the region. On the other hand, most of the American colonies, including Virginia, became interested in establishing authority over the occupied territory by claiming it as their property.

In addition, the Red Indians of the Appalachian region were also angry with the British, and a few days earlier they had embarrassed the local government loyal to the British by taking part in the Pontiac Rebellion (notably, the Red Indian leader Pontiac A. led the rebellion).

Eventually, the British government allowed colonization up to the waters of the Appalachian region. However, the colonists expressed dissatisfaction with this decision of the British government and declared this decision illegal. This incident led to growing discontent between the British government and the colonies and deteriorated relations.

6) Effects of Seven Years War:

The influence of the Seven Years’ War between France and England was particularly important in the American War of Independence. Because there were strong French colonies in Canada and Louisiana next to America.

France wanted to occupy the 13 English colonies located in America. So Americans were afraid that if they moved for independence war, then if France seized the 13 American colonies or any of them, their freedom would be endangered.

That is, the colonies remained loyal to the British for so long because of their fear of France, despite their dissatisfaction with England and their desire for independence. But when France was defeated by Britain in the Seven Years War (1756-63), the way to establish French dominance in North America was blocked and Canada and Louisiana was lost to France.

As a result, the fear of the French was removed from the minds of the colonists. In this situation, the colonists became motivated and motivated to break away from England and achieve independence.

Geographical Reasons for the American Revolution :

The geographical distance of America from Britain was about 3 thousand miles. This great geographical distance created a distance between England and the minds of the colonists. The establishment of authority over America from a different geographical area was not easily accepted by the American rights-conscious people. Even the descendants of the English living in the colonies were bound by a deep sense of nationalism and were motivated to deny the authority of the English to claim their rights.

Commercial and Economic Factors of the American Revolution in 1776:

Commercial economic factors were particularly important in the American Revolution in 1776. According to many, economic factors were the main cause of the American War of Independence. These are discussed below:

1. Aggressive trade policy of the British:

In terms of trade and commerce, England considered the colonies as a source of its wealth. Therefore, all the raw materials needed for the factories that were built in England in large numbers under the influence of the Industrial Revolution were supplied from the colonies at nominal prices.

On the other hand, the industrial products that were produced using these raw materials were sold in the colonies at high prices. As a result, the colonies suffered economically. Also, the British government imposed several restrictions to regulate the trade of the colonies, such as

(a) Colonies could produce only those goods that were in high demand in the European market. They could not produce goods according to their needs.

(b) Steel and iron machinery and woolen goods could not be manufactured in the colonies. They were made by England itself for the sake of British trade.

(c) Colonies could not trade directly with any other country. Among the main products of the colony, tobacco and cotton could only be exported to England. Because they were in high demand in England.

So it can be seen that this colonial trade policy was introduced only in the overall interest of England without considering the interests of the colonies. However, this colonial trade policy of Britain created great anger in the minds of the colonists.

However, whenever there was a strong protest against it, the English authorities tried to relax the strictness of the trade rules with a bounty on colonial products. This British commercial system was one of the reasons for creating conflict and distance between England and its colonies.

2) Stamp Act:

Another cause of the American War of Independence was the passing of the Stamp Act. England spent a lot of money to defeat France in the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763). And 10,000 soldiers were deployed in North America to cover the money deficit, to resist the efforts of the French to recover the Golden State, and to form a standing army in the colonies to suppress the terror of the Red Indians.

New military bases were built for troops in Nova Scotia, Canada, and New York, and it was decided that the colonies would have to pay for the cost of the troops assigned to the security of the colonies.

In this situation, the authorities of England (Prime Minister Grenville) passed a law called the Stamp Act in 1765. In this law, it is determined that stamps must be used on all types of legal and commercial documents and litigation documents, including newspapers.

Prime Minister Melville estimated that this tax would raise one-third of the total earnings of English soldiers in America. But as the Parliament passed the Stamp Act without their representatives, the people of the colonies became very angry.

Although the British government had previously collected some taxes, this was the first direct tax imposed on the colonists. Therefore, the colonists started an anti-British movement in various places considering this direct tax as against the fundamental law and natural rights. They announced to resist this law.

In the face of massive protests, the lives of customs officials, stamp agents, etc. became miserable. Even the residence of Chief Justice Thomas Hutchinson was almost destroyed by the mob. Mainly the agitators started identifying themselves as the Son of Liberty.

In protest against the Stamp Act, the people of the colonies completely stopped importing British goods. As a result, British businesses and industries suffered huge losses. As a result, British traders also put pressure on the government to repeal the Stamp Act. Meanwhile, when the Glenville cabinet fell, a new cabinet was formed under the leadership of Buckingham.

This cabinet was in 1766 AD. The Stamp Act was repealed. But by that time, the anti-British sentiment that developed among the colonists gradually pushed them towards independence. The American Revolution was marked by the Stamp Act.

3) Townsend Act and Boston Massacre:

One of the most important causes of the American War of Independence was the Townshend Act introduced by the British Minister of Revenue, Charles Townshend. The previous Buckingham cabinet repealed the Stamp Act, but the British Parliament passed a “Declaratory Act” to tax the colonies. The Parliament passed the Townsend Act to enable Townsend. Note that after the fall of the Buckingham cabinet, the new cabinet in Britain is the Revenue Minister Earl of Chatham.

Townsend was the revenue minister in this cabinet. To meet the budget deficit, Townsend decided to impose additional taxes on the colonies and passed an Act in June 1767 in Parliament imposing duties on various goods imported for the colonies. This Act imposed duties on glass, lead, dyes, paper, tea, etc. To strictly collect these duties, he opened a new office of customs in Boston.

This tax would bring in £40,000 a year – which, Townsend thought, would be enough to pay the governors and high officials of the colonies. Note that earlier this salary was paid by the legislature of the colonies.

However, the colonists felt that the new system greatly curtailed the financial power of the legislatures as well as the colonists’ right to self-government. As a result, the colonists were enraged, and Townsend dismissed the New York legislature when the New York legislature refused to pay for British troops stationed in the colonies.

As a result, the situation became more heated and opened the way for a conflict between the colonies and the British government. After the Townsend Act was passed by the British Parliament, a strong public opinion developed against it in the colonies. John Dickinson, a famous Pennsylvania lawyer, played the biggest role in shaping public opinion.

Through his “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies”, he presented the details of the America-Britain dispute to the colonists and expressed the opinion that the British Parliament enjoyed the power to regulate the business and trade of the colonies but did not impose any taxes on the colonies. The power does not belong to the British Parliament.

Spurred on by Dickinson’s campaign, American trade unions agreed to stop the importation of British goods and decided to boycott any imports. By 1769, Britain’s trade with America had dropped to £700,000.

In 1768, the government stationed two regiments of British troops in Boston Harbor as the Boston Harbor people, led by outspoken members of the “Sons of Liberty”, began to obstruct customs officials and protect local merchants from customs officers.

The presence of British troops further enraged the natives. Provoked by the locals, the soldiers opened fire on the crowd on 5 March 1770, killing 5 and injuring several others. This event is known as the Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre fueled the colonies to revolt against the British government.

Samuel Adams of Massachusetts played the most important role in building anti-British protests around the Boston Massacre. He formed a Committee of Correspondence in 1772 to inform the people of the colonies’ grievances and maintain communication with other colonies. In this way, colonies are formed gradually. Note that Townsend’s levied tax was in effect for three years.

4) Tea Act and its response:

After the Boston Massacre, when anti-British sentiment was at its peak, the British government passed a new law called the Tea Act of 1773, which greatly angered the colonists. The warehouses of the British East India Company had a large stock of tea in 1773. As this tea was not sold in time in England, the company suffered a lot financially.

To protect the company, the British government led by Lord North passed the Tea Act in Parliament in 1773. To do business in the colonies, the East India Company had to pay regular taxes until then. But as a result of this act, the company got the opportunity to export tea directly to the colonies without paying any duty.

As a result, the American traders in the colony could not compete with the East India Company and suffered huge economic losses. In this situation, the colonists started boycotting the tea imported by the company. Women workers play an important role in this movement.

On the other hand, some of the American merchants of the colony took action so that the East India Company could not unload their imported tea from the ships at night in the colony’s ports. They stopped the unloading of tea from company ships in the ports of Philadelphia and New York.

However, after failing to return the three ships anchored in Boston from the harbor, a group of colonists disguised as Red Indians boarded the ship on December 13, 1773, and threw the tea casks of the ship into the sea.

This event in American history is known as the ‘Boston Tea Party’. This incident is recognized as a vindictive act of American businessmen for their business interests. Almost the same thing happens in other ports.

The above incident of East India Company dumping tea in seawater was termed as piracy by the British government and to discipline the colonies by passing a repressive act called the Intolerable Act in 1774, several steps were taken, namely-

1) Boston Harbor was closed.

2) Massachusetts’s powers of self-government were curtailed.

3) Initiatives are taken to try accused British officers in England or any other colony.

4) Efforts were made to deploy British troops in the colonies, including the deployment of four regiments of troops at the port of Boston.

The colonists became even angrier with the British government as appropriate action was taken under the Intolerable Act.

5) Quebec Act 1774:

The Quebec Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1774 when the inhabitants of the colony were extremely angry given the Tea Act and the subsequent Suppression Act. This act expanded the province of Quebec by bringing the area between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers (the former French colony) under Quebec.

However, the expansion of Quebec raised fears among the Americans that it would disrupt their westward march. In addition, the Quebec Act recognized the political churches of Roman Catholics. This created a fear among Americans that there might be a plot to bring them under papal authority.

Through the above events, the angry Americans gradually became eager to be freed from British rule. Colonies after colonization spontaneously joined the resistance movement.

In this situation, 56 representatives of the remaining 12 colonies except Georgia met in the city of Philadelphia on September 5, 1774, which was the first official step of the American War of Independence.

Events of the American Revolution in 1776

The 13 colonies of America, that is, the American Congress declared independence (Declaration of Independence) on July 4, 1776. George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the War of Independence.

A committee of 5 members led by Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. The first part of the Declaration enumerates the rights that all people should enjoy, stating the equal rights of all persons.

The second part describes how the rights of the people were ignored by King George III of England and the third part declares that from today the people of the American colonies severed their ties with Britain.

The purpose of the Declaration of Independence mentioned in Part III was to quickly gain the aid and sympathy of the anti-British forces.

However, before this, the state of Massachusetts formed a militia and started training for war against Britain. In this situation, a group of British soldiers was sent to Boston to destroy all the war equipment of the militia. But in April 1775, local forces attacked British troops at Lexington.

American Revolution
American Revolution

The American Revolution began at this time. After the Battle of Lexington, colonial warriors laid siege to the British forces stationed in Boston and forced them to leave Boston. In 1776, the British sent a powerful expedition to first capture New York and then New Jersey.

British General Howe led this campaign. Then the British forces planned a massive campaign in America in 1777 to separate the New England colonies from the southern colonies.

American commander-in-chief George Washington was defeated by British commander General Howe at Brandywine in a planned campaign and left Philadelphia. But the British General Bargain, advancing south from Canada, was miserably defeated by the American General Gates at Saratoga and surrendered with all his troops.

After the Saratoga incident, American diplomat Benjamin Franklin traveled to France as part of diplomatic efforts on behalf of the colonies. At Franklin’s urging, France signed a military treaty with the colonies in February 1778. According to the treaty, France began to resist British naval forces in the Atlantic Ocean and to help the colonies with troops and arms.

Spain also declared war on England in 1779 to recover Gibraltar and Minca from Britain. Meanwhile, to prevent France and its allies from sending war equipment and other aid to the colonies by sea, the British forces continued to search the ships of the enemy as well as the ships of neutral countries.

In protest of this incident, countries like Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, etc. led by Russia formed an alliance called ‘Armed Neutrality of the North’.

At that time, Britain declared war against Holland on the accusation that Holland was allowing an island in the West Indies under its control to be used as a depot for American war equipment. Thus, by 1780, Britain had made many enemies for itself.

To avenge the Saratoga incident, British General Cornwallis (later appointed Governor General of India) invaded North Carolina in 1781 and defeated American General Me Gates. Cornwallis then entered Virginia and sought the aid of other British forces.

Meanwhile, Britain’s control over the sea was reduced due to war with European countries.

As a result, Britain found it difficult to deploy troops quickly. Cornwallis was besieged by more American and French troops than he already had and eventually surrendered to American and French troops at Yorktown in 1781. Britain was narrowly defeated by this incident.

Peace Treaty of Paris 1783:

The American Revolution in 1776 ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783. In 1781, British commander Cornwallis surrendered to American and French troops at Yorktown, Virginia with 7,000 men, essentially the final defeat of the British.

Because after this incident, there was no fight between the two parties. At this time, there was a demand to stop the war in England.  In 1782, the first initiative was taken to establish peace between the two parties. The British made occasional attempts to negotiate a settlement with America, but none were successful.

On March 20, 1782, the British Parliament passed a resolution to end the war. Note that although the French contributed significantly to the American War of Independence, they also did not want a strong government to be established in America.

On the other hand, France intended that Britain should be weak. Spain also claimed control of the area from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River at this time.  The French wanted to compensate for the loss of Spain through the Americans. Naturally, it appeared to the Americans that the French were not so much America’s friend as Britain’s enemy.

In this situation, the American negotiators Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John J. Britain signed the final peace treaty on September 3, 1783, at the Palace of Versailles in the capital of France. The terms of the peace treaty were as follows:

  1. All troops will withdraw from the colony.
  2. America would be bordered by the Great Lakes and Canada to the north, the state of Florida to the south at 31 degrees north latitude, and the Mississippi River to the west (this gives America an area of 827,800 square miles and a population of 32,50,000).
  3. The Mississippi would be open to both waterways, and America would have fishing rights in Newfoundland’s rivers and on the Canadian coast.
  4. At the end of the Seven Years War (1756–63), in 1763 Britain returned Florida and Minca from Spain to Spain in a separate treaty and recognized French authority over Tobago and Senegal.
  5. America will pay the debts that America owed to British traders.

The Paris Peace Treaty signed in light of the above terms was a great diplomatic victory for the Americans. In this agreement, the Americans showed their diplomatic talent, ability, and skill to force Britain, one of the best imperial powers in the world, to bow down, and were able to resist the efforts of France to expand its influence. The Paris Peace Treaty was the culmination of Britain’s utter failure in the military and diplomatic field during the American War of Independence.

Result of the American Revolution in 1776

The outcome of the American Revolution was particularly important in world politics. Because through this war America emerged as a new power along with the final fall of the European powers in the American continent. Britain at that time had one of the world’s most well-equipped armies and the largest navy. They were also rich in money.

Compared to that, America was very weak in all respects; they did not have a strong government or a well-equipped and trained army. Because they were only then at the stage of government formation, denying the authority of England.

Moreover, the soldiers of one colony often did not want to obey the orders of the commander of another colony. Still, America was able to defeat England in this war. The results of American Revolution in 1776 are as follows:

A) Consequences of American Revolution in American domestic affairs:

  1. Establishment of the independent sovereign United States of America: 

After 8 years of struggle, an independent and sovereign state called the United States of America was established on the world map by defeating the world’s largest imperialist power, Britain, by the 13 colonies of Britain.

  1. Each state has its constitution: 

Although the United States of America is a confederation of 13 states, each state drafts its constitution like an independent state.

  1. Anglican Church Banned: 

Churches, especially the Anglican Church, run by public money are banned in America to maintain the separation of church and state. Some churches cut ties with Europe. As a result, politics was separated from religion in independent America.

  1. Changes in the Land System: 

In independent America, the land system underwent drastic changes. In many places, especially in the north, large zamindari estates were broken up into smaller estates.

b) Impact on England of American Revolution in 1776: 

The American War of Independence had a great impact on the internal politics, economy, and governance of England:

  1. Change in Power:

England’s defeat in the American War of Independence led to the fall of Lord North’s cabinet and the Whigs came to power. This power shift also led to the downfall of King George III of England. Third J was the epitome of extreme tyranny and misrule. The fall of George III saved England from an inevitable revolution and terrible disaster, and a despotic government was established there.

  1. Adoption of tolerant colonial policy:

The impact of the American War of Independence forced England to adopt a tolerant colonial policy. It should be noted that the main strength of British trade was its colonies. But as a result of America’s defeat in the War of Independence, Britain’s trade and commerce suffered greatly.

In addition to the loss of 13 colonies in the American War of Independence, other colonies spoke out against England’s unilateral trade policy.

Moreover, the lack of successful wartime diplomacy made many enemies of England in the international arena as well. In this situation, England realized the mistake of applying its mercantile policy on the colonies and adopted a more tolerant policy towards the colonies.

c) Impact on France of American Revolution in 1776 :

The American War of Independence greatly affected France as well as America and England. It can be said that the American War of Independence precipitated the French Revolution. Various irregularities, economic and social inequality, the arbitrariness of King Louis XVI, etc. created extreme anarchy in France. France’s economic situation was also fragile.

However, France’s economy became more fragile as France directly joined the American War of Independence with money and troops to weaken England. The people became furious.

In this situation, French revolutionaries including Lafayette who had directly participated in the American War of Independence gained combat experience and returned home inspired by American democratic ideals and came forward to lead the people – which made the French Revolution inevitable.

c) Effects in other areas of American Revolution in 1776 :

The American War of Independence also particularly affected the freedom-seeking masses in Spain, Holland, Ireland, etc. Inspired by the American War of Independence, the Irish people protested and gained several privileges. On the other hand, most of Spain’s colonies became independent later.

Reasons for British defeat in the American Revolution in 1776:

1) Distance of England from America: From a distance of 3 thousand miles England couldn’t wage war against America and send troops, arms logistics, etc. in time. Because the main means of sending food, supplies, soldiers, and weapons to distant countries was sailing very slow ships.

2) War on Enemy Land: Colonies fought on their land where everything was known to them. On the other hand, coming to fight in a completely covered area, the British could not benefit at all. They were disoriented by guerilla attacks on the colonies.

3) Helping France against England: France was a rival in European politics at that time. When America declared independence against the British, France and its long-time ally Spain provided aid to the colonies – one of the reasons for England’s defeat.

Note that America and India were the birth of commercial and colonial interests between England and France. England had 13 colonies in America.

On the other hand, Canada to the north of these colonies and Louisiana to the southwest were French colonies. To prevent England from establishing any further colonies to the west, the French decided to annex Canada and Louisiana by occupying the rear and western regions of the English colonies.

In this situation, England embarked on a seven-year war against France mainly to protect its commercial and colonial interests. France was defeated by England in the Seven Years’ War.

At the same time, England and India captured French naval bases. And to avenge this defeat, France helped the colonists with troops and weapons.

4) Lack of sufficient skilled soldiers and money: One of the important reasons for England’s defeat in the American War of Independence was England’s lack of sufficient skilled soldiers and money for the war.

Moreover, King George III of England was a descendant of the Hanoverian family of Germany (father George I ascended to the throne of England through marriage from the Hanoverian family of Germany).

So he hired troops and sent them to fight in America without informing Lord North, the then Minister of War  an ill-advised decision. Besides, Indian and American royals were recruited as soldiers to increase the number of soldiers. So although England had more troops, they lacked unity and nationalism.

5) Deterioration of relations with neutral countries: During the War of Independence of America, so that no money and arms could reach America from any foreign country, England started searching the ships of neutral countries along with enemy ships.

The neutral countries like Russia, Sweden, Denmark, etc. were greatly dissatisfied with this action of the British on the sea route.

As a result, the opposing countries formed an alliance called ‘Armed Neutrality of the North’. England’s action worsened its relations with neutral nations and reduced England’s power over the seas, which had helped America win the war.

6) George Washington’s Worthy Leadership: George Washington’s worthy leadership, deep patriotism, untiring energy, enthusiasm, etc. created deep confidence and enthusiasm in the colonists’ minds. Which forced the British to be defeated by the colonists.


Overall, the American War of Independence was a war of existence and freedom for Americans. On the other hand, England participated in this war to sustain its imperialist plans. But they were defeated by American nationalism. And that’s normal.

However, the results of the American Revolution in 1776 were far-reaching. As a result of this war, a new, independent, and powerful nation of America was born, prosperous colonies were lost to Britain, and Britain suffered great losses in terms of empire and trade. The American War of Independence was closely related to Britain’s internal politics and economy.


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